Pinkston Research leverages a full toolkit of capabilities to help you get smarter,
build more effective campaigns and programs, and meet your strategic objectives.
Get Smarter. Engage Effectively.
Pinkston Research leverages a full toolkit of capabilities to help you get smarter, build more effective campaigns and programs, and meet your strategic objectives. Our experienced market research team brings clarity to your audience, competitive environment, and brand strategy to help you make more effective decisions.

Where Can Research Help?
Pinkston’s in-house research team designs, executes, and analyzes tailored research to provide insights and inform your marketing or communications objectives.
Our Research Toolkit
We leverage our experience to create a sophisticated approach that fits your organization’s unique needs.
Quantitative surveys can be used to explore a particular topic or current issue, brand perceptions or to learn more about your key audience(s). Pinkston leverages quantitative research for marketing planning, message development or targeting, or studies may be released publicly for thought leadership or media engagement.Qualitative ResearchQualitative research can provide clarity wherever there is uncertainty — e.g., around a new market entry, product launch, new audience target, or simply a topic or issue that is hard to quantify. Our team leverages traditional means such as focus groups and more creative approaches like ethnography. Deep customer knowledge, great creative insights and critical strategic organizational decisions have come out of qualitative research conducted by skilled Pinkston researchers.Quick CheckWhile digital marketing can leverage A/B design to test and refine concepts in-market, many other forms of communications and marketing require commitment to a significant investment without market feedback. For these decisions — a new logo, book title, or ad campaign messaging — “quick check” research can provide guidance to help you make the most of your marketing and communications investment.
Results are available in as little as 48 hours to guide decision making on interim steps or provide evidence to support a strategic direction.Buyer JourneyBuyer journeys can be used for tactical marketing planning, sales strategy, or even for website design to ensure visitors find what they need quickly. Combining secondary and qualitative research with prospective and existing customer information, buyer journey maps capture triggers and motivations, pressure points, alternatives and key decision points for various buyer personas and categories.White Paper & Impact ReportThoughtfully-designed owned content that incorporates compelling data can be a powerful way to raise awareness of an issue or tell your story, especially when combined with a compelling narrative and creative approach that elevates your brand. Such content helps you and your message stand out and is useful with a variety of stakeholder audiences. Our team can help you design proprietary research for a published report or gather and synthesize publicly available or third party data sources and weave them together into a strong case for a cause or issue.Policy FactbaseA policy factbase can help support arguments at the policy level, allowing you to present a series of well-constructed arguments backed up by clear and persuasive evidence to policymakers at the federal, state, or local level. A policy factbase can give you the ability to directly or indirectly influence public policy. Our team can help compile evidence, craft arguments, and put together a series of arguments that will help you or your allies in government clearly lay out the stakes of legislation or policy to government officials.Research Space / Focus Group VenuePinkston offers a unique and inviting venue for hosting research sessions, focus groups, co-creation workshops, and more. Our team can also assist with screeners, moderate a broad range of discussions, and test the development of advertising and messaging.

Our Team
Our research team — comprised of market research veterans as well as public policy experts — equips you with critical insights for your marketing and communications efforts. They work closely with Pinkston’s PR, marketing, web and creative practitioners to ensure these insights are woven into each project or program.

Senior Manager of Media Research and Data Analytics
John Lovett

Research Director
Alexandra Whitford

Senior Research Associate
Sam Greenberg
Case Studies
What Happens on the Hill Hits Home
U.S. public policy affects companies of all types, and organizations need a guide to help them understand current and pending legistlation and how it affects their business. Pinkston’s policy expert, Dr. John Lovett, leads a team of researchers who track and explain the complexities of federal bills, regulations and actions for our clients. Here are some of the latest policy trends we’re monitoring…
John Lovett, Senior Manager of Media Research and Data Analytics, PinkstonOverviewIncreasingly, federal and state legislators are grappling with how to address teen and child use of social media.Lawmakers are increasingly…