The Texas coast has experienced devastation over the past week amidst storms and flooding from Hurricane Harvey. Brands around the country are responding by stepping in and providing support through various means. You can find a list of brands here and here that are using their platform for good, amidst unfortunate circumstances. If you would like to provide support in the form of a donation, visit this link for various ways to do so.
Why Social Shares Are Key to Pitching Media
“If it’s shareable, it’s airable.” In today’s media landscape, your pitch will have more success if you’re crafting stories that people want to share.
3 ideas to repurpose your content marketing efforts
Simple and practical ways to breathe new life into old content.
6 Social Marketing Macro Trends To Watch
Keeping your ear to the ground on these 6 trends might mean the difference between being a step behind and forging the future.
How much can a PR crisis cost you?
These examples of high profile PR crises show just how much your company could be affected if you’re not proactively managing your image.
Can Bad Advertisements Be Good for a Brand?
Is the phrase “all PR is good PR” really true?