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Why and How to Cultivate Brand Advocates Among Your Staff

Est Reading Time: 2min

Every employee plays a role in the branding of your company. Take these steps to ensure your staff knows how to effectively represent and cultivate your brand’s message.

Bufferchat: Creating Brand Awareness

The Buffer community recently hosted a discussion on the topic of brand awareness, with answers to questions about partnering with other companies, tactics for being memorable, and more ideas to boost your brand.

From Ads to Athletics: How We’re Taking a Page from Marketing’s Playbook to Get You the Sports Training Content You Need

Dave Willox highlights how his company, Sportskool, is broadening its distribution strategy to provide fitness content to viewers anytime and anywhere.

Volkswagen, Apple, and the Irresistible Force of Using Classic Characters in Ads

As part of their “Best Ads Ever” series, Adweek spotlights successful commercials that have connected with viewers by incorporating characters many people already know and love.

Teen Who Asked Wendy’s for Nuggets Breaks All-Time Tweet Record

A teenager set a new Twitter record (and catapulted Wendy’s into the social media spotlight) by simply asking how many retweets were required to get free chicken nuggets for life.

The Infinite Now

Cinematographer Armand Dijcks partnered with a photographer to create mesmerizing ocean wave footage composed of cinemagraphs.

Office Playlist

Here’s what we’ve been listening to in the office this week.