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5 Podcasts for PR Pros

Est Reading Time: 2min

Podcasts have become a popular form of information consumption (and entertainment) thanks to the convenience of being able to listen to them practically anywhere. Check out these 5 great podcasts that cover topics like effective communications, reputation management, productivity enhancement, and even entrepreneurial tips.

Why Customer Service is Your Sharpest Marketing Tool

This article highlights the importance of positive interactions between the employee and the customer. While bringing initial attention to your brand does matter, customer retention is largely determined by their interactions with employees.

Red Dot’s 15 Most Innovative Tech Products of 2017

Each year, tech products from around the world are selected to receive the Red Dot Award by the German design institution, Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen. Gear Patrol picked 15 of their favorite Red Dot recipients that have been recognized for their innovative and clean designs.

How PR Pros Can Reach Journalists

Babbler just released an insightful infographic to help ensure you’re putting the best foot forward when pitching to journalists.

What It’s Like at San Quentin’s Coding School

Located in California, San Quentin prison is home to some budding innovative efforts. The Last Mile has developed a program that gives inmates the opportunity to learn computer coding, web and logo design, and other technology related skills. Their first commercial project is a new website for the Coalition for Public Safety.

Strange Beasts (Video)

We’ve all thought about what the future could look like as our society continues to evolve with new technologies left and right. This sci-fi short takes a unique look at what role augmented reality could play in our lives, and how it could potentially go too far.

Pinkston Playlist

We’ve been listening to the classics in the office this week. Take a listen here.