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A Beginner’s Guide to Paid Video Promotion

How to expand your reach and promote your videos to the right audience.

3 Ways to Repurpose Owned Content

Simple and practical ways to breathe new life into old content.

3 Steps to Becoming a Thought Leader

Keys to developing a unique space where your voice matters.

Doing Data Right: Driving Value in Marketing

“The abundance of noise in today’s marketplace and increasing demands from customers means it is essential for marketers to get the customer experience right.”

Rolls-Royce Is Pop Music’s Hottest Brand

Billboard tracked some of the hottest songs over the past 3 years to determine what brands are mentioned most in songs. Sports cars take the cake.

Why Harley-Davidson doesn’t ‘buy into the concept of millennials’

The term is tossed around frequently in the marketing world, but Harley Davidson sees more value in targeting individuals, as opposed to generations.

Brands including Chiquita and Corona are trying to cash in on one of the biggest natural phenomena of our time

Many brands have strived to use this week’s solar eclipse as a marketing tactic. Who did the best job of seizing the opportunity?

Est Reading Time: 2min